Monitoring and control Leakage Current with ELNet LTP Power-meter


Control Applications, which set a new high standard in precise electrical metering (1600 samples per cycle), has recently unveiled an advanced multi-meter which allows the monitoring of earth leakage current in an electric panel, alongside with all other standard measured parameters of voltage, current, frequency, power-factor ,energy harmonics etc., all accessible through a user-friendly menu, in high resolution color graphics.


Checking Leakage current is your best indication of safety check of your electric facility. A facility, in which a high leakage current was measured beyond what is permitted by regulations, requires a thorough inspection.

Using the ELNet LTP utilizing the power-meter function normally present in electric panel, it is possible to constantly monitor the leakage current in an electric panel, locating the source and magnitude of the leakage at relative ease.

Old version leakage current devices usually performed which all power lines involved are passing through big current transformer, which feature with inaccurate output (inaccuracy up to 15%). These old version leakage current detectors do not provide additional measurements as those mentioned above (V; I; P, PF etc.) and tend to be more expensive than the ELNet LTP solution which includes in it all measureable parameters, including earth leakage current.

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Class A – Elnet PQ

We are happy to inform that today we are part of a very limited group of companies in the world.









Bellow please find our new Certificate of Conformity – IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 2 (2008) Class A that related to power quality monitoring.

Models Elnet PQ and PQD

PSL 61000-4-30 CLASS A Certificate - Final - CNTL App
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